

Oil Prices Fluctuation Impact on Iraq’s Economy

Date: Jun 28th, 2020
Time: 7:00 pm Baghdad Time Zone
Venue: Webinar/Facebook
Country: Canada/Jordan/United Arab Emirates
Sector: Oil & Gas, Economy

Join Iraqi Canadian Chamber of Commerce (IraqCanadaCham) for a free webinar on the “Oil Prices Fluctuation Impact on Iraq’s Economy”. Oil prices plunged over the last 3 months after economic uncertainty around the coronavirus caused demand to drop, and a dispute with Russia prompted Saudi Arabia to flood the market with low-cost oil, cutting prices by the largest amount in decades. What will the drop in oil prices mean for the Iraq economy? Finance Ministry data shows that May’s oil revenue has left it more than $2 billion short of financing those costs. The shortfall for the coming month is projected to be far larger. The presentation will outline Canada’s program at the conference and how you can benefit from participating.

To discuss the topic in details

You are invited to Join IraqCanadaCham to Webinar session

Oil Prices Fluctuation Impact on Iraq’s Economy

WHEN: 28th June, 7pm to 8pm Iraq time

Keynote speakers

  • Issam Al Chalabi
  • Wadah Al Taha
  • Yasser Al Mimar

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