أدارة الاصلاحات واثار التقلبات في العراق
تقرير البنك الدولي الخاص بإدارة الإصلاحات والتقلبات التي حصلت في السوق العراقي خلال الاشهر الماضية، حيث يتضمن التقرير مراجعة أكثر تعمقاً لآخر التطورات في الاقتصاد العراقي من حيث تقلبات أسعار النفط وجائحة كورونا
للحصول على التقرير كاملا يرجى الضغط هنـــــا
تحتضن منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا العديد من أصحاب الأعمال المحليين الذين أثبتوا عزمهم على المساعدة في التصدّي للتحديات التي نشأت خلال الجائحة وحلّها باستخدام التكنولوجيا المتطوّرة. ومن هذا المنطلق، نتمنى من جميع اصحاب المشاريع الريادية المشاركة في الإصدار الأوّل والتقديم من خلال هذا الموقع في “مسرّعة كوكل للأعمال الناشئة” في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا وفي إطار هذا البرنامج، سيُطلب من مؤسّسي الشركات الناشئة المختارة أن يحدّدوا أهم التحديات التي تواجههم، ليتم بعد ذلك التنسيق مع الخبراء المعنيين من كوكل والقطاع لحل هذه التحديات. وسيتضمّن البرنامج أيضًا تقديم خدمات الدعم والتدريب لمؤسّسي الشركات الناشئة بشأن التحديات التقنية والمهنية المختلفة، بالإضافة إلى فرصة للمشاركة في ورش عمل حول تكنولوجيات تعلّم الآلة وتصميم المنتجات وتصميم تجربة المستخدم ومهارات القيادة شروط التقديم تشمل شروط الأهلية أن تكون الشركة الناشئة تعمل في مجال التكنولوجيا، ومقرّها الرئيسي في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا، وتحظى بتمويل أوّلي. وستأخذ كوكل في الاعتبار أيضًا المشكلة التي تحاول الشركة الناشئة حلّها وكيفية عملها على تقديم تجربة قيّمة للمستخدمين ومساهمتها في معالجة تحدٍ حقيقيٍ على صعيد المدينة أو الدولة أو المنطقة ككل. وستأخذ كوكل في الاعتبار أيضًا ما إذا كانت الشركة الناشئة تهدف إلى توظيف تكنولوجيا تعلّم الآلة والذكاء الاصطناعي في منتجاتها وخدماتها وعملياتها التشغيلية للمساعدة في حل التحديات الحالية والنمو على المدى الطويل سيظلّ باب التقديم إلى الإصدار الأول من “مسرّعة كوكل للأعمال الناشئة” في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا مفتوحًا لغاية 31 ديسمبر (كانون الأوّل) من هذا العام، على أن يتم الإعلان أن أسماء الشركات الناشئة المختارة في شهر يناير (كانون الثاني) 2021 للتقديم يرجى الضغط على استمارة التقديم In business, the line between success and failure is often paper-thin. The more you learn from those who’ve walked both sides of that line, the better your chances are of staying on the right side of it. A significant challenge for a new business owner or someone who has a vision is pulling together all of the information needed for those initial first steps and preparing for long-term success. Iraqi Canadian Chamber of Commerce is offering industry-leading mentoring expertise through Iraq Future Program. The program will share resources and skill-building opportunities to take you and your business to the next level. A recent survey by IraqCanadaCham finance department, and technology section. revealed that 89% of small business owners in Canada acknowledge the impact of mentors on their businesses’ long-term viability. Yet nearly two-thirds of owners lack any professional guidance when launching their businesses. Mentors have usually seen it all during their business careers, and can provide an invaluable sounding board for those dipping a toe into entrepreneurial waters. Sharing knowledge is a major part of this. As mentorship increases, more startups will launch with access to knowledge and expertise that the startups of earlier generations lacked. This makes for a better-informed startup community and one that is less likely to make the mistakes of those that came before Iraq Future Mentor program is to facilitate the connection between established entrepreneurs and professionals with mentees in Iraq, allowing mentors to give back while providing personal development and growth for all participants This program is ideal for those just starting out or thinking of launching a business, and have questions. There are numerous professionals in the community who have been exactly where the young entrepreneurs are now, and they want to share their knowledge with the next generation. Why You Need to Enroll? Recon Technology Ltd. has signed a $2.8 million engineering and construction service subcontract with Grand Energy Development Ltd on a heavy oil transportation system project in the Garraf oilfield in Iraq. Recon will carry out all the engineering design services, provide the technical support to the procurement, construction, commissioning activities and provide the training services on the heavy oil transportation system project. Garraf oilfield is in the province of Thi Qar, Iraq, about 5km northwest of Al-Refaei city and 85km north of Nasiriya City. The oilfield is 17.5km long and 5.5km wide. It is estimated to hold 1.3 billion barrels of oil reserves. Based on the development plan that was approved by the government of Iraq in 2018, the field is undergoing additional development in stages and targeting oil production of 230,000 barrels per day by the end of this year. As part of the project, a heavy oil pipeline with a planned capacity of 275,000 barrels per day will be built to support the Garraf production target. Shipping a car from the Canada to Iraq starts around $1300 for a compact and runs up to around $2,300 for a full-sized SUV. If household items are to be shipped in a container along with the vehicle the price runs around $3,200 for a 20-foot container that can handle two cars plus a few small items or around $4,600 for a 40-foot container that holds 21,546 KG. Shipping a vehicle from Canada to Iraq can be fairly easily to extremely complex. Getting the right Customs broker and shipping company are two crucial choices that will assure a seamless shipping process; it will also guarantee that you meet the destination country’s local rules and regulations concerning the specifications on your automobile. Check with the market of your car before export to Iraq to make sure that parts and technicians are available in there where you are exporting your car. Research and preparation can be done by our chamber before exporting your car to Iraq. Kindly contact us @ info@iccci.ca to get more details about the process and name of car traders Iraq’s decision to stop relying on Iranian electricity and gas supplies seems surprising in light of the divisions among political parties and loyalty of many of them to Tehran. In a major surprise move, the Iraqi Ministry of Electricity revealed that it had reduced its imports of electricity and natural gas from Iran by 75% and that it was approaching the goal of self-sufficiency in generating electric power. Analysts say this move indicates that Baghdad may have been told by Washington that the US will soon be revoking the waiver extended to Iraq from the US sanctions imposed on Iran. The US administration has been automatically renewing every three months the waiver granted to Iraq from the sanctions imposed on Iran two years ago. The last waiver ran out on March 31 and was extended by one month only. The ministry’s spokesperson, Ahmed al-Abadi, said that “the electricity produced by the country’s power plants is sufficient to cover the local needs continuously, except for Salahuddin and Nineveh provinces, where electric power is available at the rate of 20 hours per day.” Abadi was quoted in a report published by the government newspaper Al-Sabah on Monday as saying that “the increase in the supply is due to lower loads and the operation of new generating units, in addition to clement temperatures.” “The current volume of electricity production in Iraq is estimated at 13400 megawatts, and based on this data, the Ministry of Electricity has deliberately reduced the volume of electricity imported via land lines from the Iranian side, as well as the import of gas used to power the generating plants,” he added. Iraq’s decision to stop relying on Iranian electricity and gas supplies seems surprising in light of the reigning divisions among the political parties and the loyalty of many of them to Tehran. Iraqi Oil Minister Thamer Al-Ghadban revealed last week that the Ministry of Oil is close to adding about a billion standard cubic feet of associated gas per day to the national production. Baghdad had previously insisted that it still badly needed Iranian gas supplies to feed its electricity sector, especially in the summer when temperatures soar to more than 500 C. Just this past April 14, Ghadban had ruled out stopping gas imports from Iran to supply Iraqi electricity power plants. With the deadline of the American waiver running out at the end of the month, and as it nears the summer season when electricity consumption soars, Iraq will be facing a tough test if Washington requires it to commit to observing US sanctions on Iran. The Iraqi government does not provide accurate annual estimates of the volumes of electricity and gas it imports from Iran, which confirms that the matter is less related to Baghdad’s need and more dependent on Tehran’s ability to provide what is required. Iraq’s National Investment Commission (NIC) has announced an investment opportunity for the construction of a commercial site in Bismayah City: According to investment law no. 13 for the year 2006 as amended and its regulations, NIC is pleased to announce the investment opportunity of Constructing a commercial Site in Bismayah City – Zone A with total area of 10 Dunams Local and foreign companies willing to invest in this opportunity are invited to apply through filling in the Investment application form available on the NIC website: www.investpromo.gov.iq and provide all the documents mentioned in the application within (30) days from the date of publishing this announcement knowing that winning investor shall undertake the fees of local official newspapers announcements. Required documents For any further information please visit the NIC premises- Ones Stop Shop dept. located at Baghdad – (IZ next to Avicenna Hospital) or send email to: oss@investpromo.gov.iq or contact number +964 – 770- 6771719 Businesses across Canada have already done all they can to survive since the economic downturn due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The federal government has responded to many calls and requests for more support for SMEs from several business associations include us for an increased Temporary Wage Subsidy of 75 per cent, retroactive to March 15. The federal government also announced: Iraqi Canadian Chamber recommended the measures announced today on behalf of our members and all Canadian businesses, and particularly SMEs, which are being hit the hardest by this crisis. We will continue working with our members here in Canada during this emergency to provide them fill support and advise, including the larger businesses that also need support. On behalf of our board of directors and members we thank the government for its leadership. We look forward to continuing our partnership to ensure Canada’s businesses get through – and out of – this crisis in the best shape possible. We are honored to be the sponsor of the great business event, and the announcing of Iraq Future Project! The success of Iraq Future Project would not have been possible without the participants. If you are going to take the leap and start your own business, there are several things you need to consider ahead of time. As an entrepreneur you do not want to miss this orientation session which will walk you through the steps you need to take and the different types of financing options that are available to get your new or existing venture funded. An excellent presentation by Mr. Yasser Al Mimar – President of Iraqi Canadian Chamber of Commerce & Industry. Mr. Al Mimar talked about Iraq Future Project, and addressed the key issues in Industrial SME and entrepreneurship policy Thank you Mr. Manar AlObaidy – Awal Executive Director for the great effort and his speech about the business sustainability and role of SMEs in Iraqi economy, and the way of SME access to alternative sources of funding. Thank you Canada Embassy in Iraq, World_Bank, Central_Bank_of_Iraq, Iraq National Insurance, and Industrial Bank of Iraq A partnership between these two powerhouses is essential in magnifying the importance of building the private sector in Iraq, in all the forms it takes, in Iraq Iraqi Canadian Chamber of Commerce has entered into a partnership with the AWAL Consultants in Iraq that will see the two entities collaborate on promoting business entrepreneurship among youth in Baghdad and Iraq. A memorandum of understanding between the two parties was signed in October 2019 by Mr. Yasser Al Mimar, President of Iraqi Canadian Chamber of Commerce, and Mr. Manar AlObaidy, CEO of AWAL Consultants in Iraq. Iraqi Canadian Chamber of Commerce , have always been dedicated to furthering entrepreneurship and its appeal in Iraq, and we believe that this partnership with AWAL Consultants in Iraq only serves to bolster this particular objective,” said Mr. Al Mimar. “There are definite synergies between the Iraqi market innovation-focused initiatives and our own approach of elevating entrepreneurship and business in Iraq, and so, there’s a lot to look forward to in our collaboration together with .” The MoU reinforces both organizations’ commitment to support entrepreneurs and build key networks across Iraq, the MoU will help to establish collaborative mechanisms, enabling both organizations to support high growth scalable start-ups at different stages of their journey. By giving entrepreneurs access to an unparalleled global network of mentors, both entities will be working to support entrepreneurs to transform communities, create quality jobs and inspire future generations of founders in Iraq.
فتح باب التقديم من “مسرّعة للأعمال الناشئة” في العالم العربي
“مسرّعة كوكل للأعمال الناشئة”
The Value of having a Mentor with us
Recon Wins $2.8MM Contract in the Garraf Field
How to Export a Car From Canada to Iraq
Iraq reduces by 75% its imports of Iranian gas and electricity
Investment Opportunity: Commercial Site in Bismayah City
Canada Government Support SMEs – Affected by COVID-19
Iraq Future Event
MoU & Partnership With AWAL Consultants